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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood

Another week of work down the drain. I wake up with pain and tiredness. I had to put a new sticker on my granny’s car as I drive it now. As I was doing this, I noticed that the weather was very nice, and the birds were chirping. Although I didn’t feel like doing anything, I walked around my block.

As I was walking, I came across a squirrel. It was trying to eat a nut. When the squirrel saw me, it froze up. Started with a face off. As I took one step further, the squirrel did the same thing. I could hear the western standoff music. About two minutes later, I started walking as the squirrel ran up a tree nearby.

On the opposite side of the neighborhood, I hear a mother (guessing) tell a child something. He ran to the car saying, “Yay!” As I walked pass the car and the mother was getting the car ready, I hear the child say hi. I turn around and the child was waving at me. “Hello”, I said smiling while waving back.

Almost home. I turn one more corner when a bunny darts out of a bush into neighbor’s yard. I didn’t know how fast bunnies can run. Eventually, I reached home just as tired as I was before, but I felt a little better.

My point is to enjoy the simpler things in life.

Have a good one.

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