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Pray: Good Times and Bad Times

Pray: Good Times and Bad Times

5-24-15 from previous website

1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV says, “Pray without ceasing”. Let me make this clear to you. “without ceasing” doesn’t mean to talk to The Father every single moment of your life. He understands that we have other things to do. The verse is saying that we should have a God-conversation with our hearts, all of the heart, throughout our days.

Romans 12:12 NIV says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Most of us, including me, have a struggle of praying all the time. When we have afflictions(trails: problems) in our life, it is harder to have that impulse to pray. Talk to Him every day with faith, be patient and miracles will blossom. Remember that “great things come to those who wait.”


I didn’t realize that I would be editing this on the exact same day nine years later. Either way, it’s the same verse that will never change. 

What does prayer mean?

Oxford Dictionary defines prayer as “a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship”

This definition makes me think of the “fast food service” prayers that are quickly requested. Then when the prayers are answered, a quick thanks happens and that’s it. 

The Bible defines prayer as, “heartfelt and earnest communication with God”

In other words, talking to Him as if He was beside us no matter what the day brings us. I know that it is hard to do this sometimes. I have the problem as well. We have to remember that He already knows. He wants us to tell him for the communication. Think about it. Don’t you feel like the best advice comes when you communicate with Him. Don’t you feel better when you do?

Talk to Him. Don’t keep it in. Doesn’t help. Causes more pain both mentally and physically. 

Have a good one (day, night, meal, etc…)


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