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Why Does God Let Good People Suffer?

Why Does God Let Good People Suffer?

We know that suffering is that time when we are undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. When bad people are suffering, it would be a sense of karma. How about the good people?  I am sure that when that time comes, you have asked Him, “What have I done to deserve this?” or “God, why me?” Well, everyone lives in this sinful world.

As children of God, we need to remember that our trials are designed uniquely. God fits us into the “perfect” trial, so that it can’t be compared with others. The first chapter of James talks about how to respond properly when we are suffering. He has reminded us that trials are a necessary part of our spiritual growth (James 1:2–4) and we should be joyful through the tough times.

I know that is hard to do, and easier said than done. Focus on crossing the finish line because there is a blessing reserved for those who respond rightly (James 1:12). You will become stronger in your faith and in your patience. Also, do not blame God when hard times comes (James 1:13–15). He is testing your faith in Him. James 1:16–18 reminds us that God is good all the time (Pritchard, 2015). 

One thing that I have learned from my trial through cancer (and the aftermath/disabilities from treatment) is that God had a reason for the suffering. Of course, I did not learn that right away. I was mad at Him for a long time until I realized that I needed His help to get out of that mess. Not only did I get out of that trial, but I have seen things from a different perspective. Although I still suffer from the side effects from that trial, I know that He showed me His unfailing love and faithfulness (Romans 8:28) to me and my family. He will show you if you let Him in. 

Think of the obstacle as partakers of Christ’s suffering (1 Peter 4:12-13). When He reveals His glory, we should be glad. As we suffer in today’s world, remember to keep our confidence up (Hebrews 10:35), keep our faith while praying (James 5:15), and that “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).”

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