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God’s Magic Tricks

God’s Magic Tricks

2-15-16: I am getting ready for my last class of the day. I see a guy with a bag looking like he is lost. I ask him if he need something. He needed a ride to his interview. He told me the location. I gave him my bus pass with two spaces left, which is two dollars. I like to save money. Anyway, I told him how to get there using the bus.  When he ran towards the bus stop, I asked God to get him there safely.

My last class is over, and I am heading to the bus stop. About a half hour later, a lady is asking me for 50 cents so she can get herself something to drink. When I looked through my coin section of my purse, I only had a quarter. While the lady was asking another person, I put my hand in my purse again, and found two quarters right beside each other. It was like a magic trick. I knew that God provided the extra quarter because I know that I had one quarter. She really needed the 50 cents.

Exactly a week later, before entering my last class for the day, I walk up to a vending machine in main part campus to see what I can eat. I am standing in that hallway by myself for about ten minutes when two machines to my right spits out a dollar. A machine spits out a dollar after ten minutes. I was thinking why this dollar came out. I guess that guy got to his destination safety and God gave me my dollar back.

6-16-24: The vending machine magic trick happened again. It was a few weeks ago at work. I wanted a bottle of sweet tea for $2.50. I put in $3.00. The bottle falls down so I can get it, and $1.50 comes back out. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t 3.0-2.5=0.5? I thought I was lucky. However, I happened again days later. Two times in a row. Coincidence? I think not.ย 

I am telling you that He sees what we are doing. Give to others without expecting anything in return. God will surprise you when you least expect it.

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