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An Unusual Path Taken

An Unusual Path Taken

My alarm set for 6:30 this morning. However, I woke up fifteen minutes before I was supposed to catch the bus for the ACT prep class on campus. My ringer was not off, and I had the phone under my pillow so I can hear it better. First time for everything. I didn’t have time to eat anything, so I grabbed two bottles of Ensure nutritional shakes. Thankfully, I knew what I was wearing because I picked It out last night. Rushing to get ready to catch the bus. A few minutes left before the bus come. I am power walking out the door towards the bus stop, thankfully it’s not far from the house, and I was able to get on the bus in time.

I’m at the transfer station to get on another bus which makes its last stop to college. Getting closer to the campus, the bus driver makes an unusual turn. The bus stops at a park and the driver starts talking to another driver. After about fifteen minutes, driver gets back in. Then he looks at me and asks me where I am going. I told him to the college. He said that he was not going to the college because an event was blocking the bus stop. He told me that he would drop me off at a bus stop closest to the college. Well, the closest stop to the college is close to the university next door to the college, but the driver didn’t go through the university at all. Instead, he stops close to a gas station that’s about 2 miles away from the campus. I’m frustrated enough as it was because I had nothing to eat, and I didn’t get a chance to drink my nutritional shake.

The bus driver drops me off about 2 miles away from campus. I looked at my phone to find out that I had twenty minutes left until the class was supposed to start. I looked up to God and asked Him to give me strength. I took a swig of the nutritional shake, and I started to walk to campus. One song that I listened to was “Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells. This song put some more strength in my skinny legs. Five minutes before the class starts, I stepped on the campus ground.

Hours later, class is over, and I see the event was over. I walked to the bus stop and waited for a few minutes. I called the bus company, and the lady told me that the bus would not come through campus for another hour. I had two choices: wait an hour for the bus or have an uber driver take me home. I was curious to see how much it would cost to have them take me home. Didn’t like the estimate they had so I waited for the bus. Although it would’ve been convenient to get a “taxi” to take me home, “I took the one(choice) less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Although I was hungry and weak, I was singing to my Christian music while interpreting some of them and enjoying the weather He provided. Eventually the bus comes, and I am on my way home.

Another hour passes and I am home with an empty stomach and a weak body (hands are shaking). I went in my room, dropped my somewhat heavy book bag on the floor, fell on my knees, and thanked God for giving me the strength and keeping me safe. He was and still is by my side. And as I finish this blog with an empty stomach yelling at me(gargling), I will remind you that “I(You) can do all things through Christ who strengthens me(you).” Philippians 4:13.

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