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Original post Incognito – It’s Hard Being a Christian (

This morning at church, I used American Sign Language to interpret a song called “That’s How You Change the World” by Newsboys. I thought it was a good song to start the year off. If you are like me, you are trying to find things to do to help out in your community. The song has some good tips. Click the title and listen to the song.

The pastor was talking about how we as Christians are incognito. In other words, we blend in with the society. He was saying that we are scared of what others think of us. When the pastor kept preaching, I thought of the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” If this saying was true, why are we scared of telling other people about God? Matthew 5:10 says “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” I’m not saying that you should start knocking on doors and telling people about Christ. Some of us don’t have that talent, but I’m pretty sure that everyone has a talent (1 Cor. 12, Romans 12:6)

Don’t be surprised if you get name called, if people look at you weirdly, or if you lose friends. We are supposed to be spreading His word to people (Matt. 28:18-20) but I know that is it easier said than done. With me personally, talking in plain English is a challenge because I’ve been dealing with trismus (severe lockjaw) for more than ten years. I am using my hands to learn sign language in hopes teach deaf children their academics and tell people about God. Can’t figure out your talent, pray about it. If you know your talent, ask God how to use it. Romans 12:6-8 mentions certain gifts and how we should use them for Him.

August 10, 2024

Currently, I am not teaching Deaf children. Ending up with a bachelor’s degree in psychology with an associates in Deaf studies/American Sign Language…

Different pastor at the church constantly telling us to spread His word in that we should worry more about the people going to hell, and we should be happy to tell people about Him.

“Go and tell people about Him.” Matthew 28:18-20 does say it plain and simple. 2 Cor. 4:1-6 says not to hide our light, but we must be careful in how we share the gospel as Matt 6 talks about.

Please make note that there are others ways to “tell” others about Him. 1 Cor. 12 and Eph 4:11-16 talks about us having different gifts to do His work. Some are better at preaching as some are better at serving others…

“Actions speak louder than words.” “Kill them with kindness.” “Think before you speak” and lots of other quotes…

Point is to use your gift for His purpose and the rest will follow.

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