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The One Less Traveled

The One Less Traveled

Just coming out of church. All I could think about was what I need to do. I knew that I had to stop and get some gas, but I knew there was something else I needed to do. Anyway, as I was filling up my granny’s jeep, letting me use it, I saw a man sitting under a tree. I was wondering why a man would sit under a tree next to a gas station. The more I thought about it, the more my gut told me to ask what he wanted to eat.

I parked closer to the store. I got out and walked towards the man to find out that he was homeless. Shoes were worn out with ripped socks. He looked worn out. With me having my fused jawbone, I had to write down my questions. He wrote down only two things that he wanted to eat.

I walk into the store and find where the food was. I showed the pizza guy my portable whiteboard notebook. The guy looked at me and pointed to the self-serve containers. I opened the door, and the scented steam smacked my face. I had to grab a bag and napkins for the food was hot.

Paid for the food and walked back to the man. He gently took the food and thanked me. I offered to buy him more food. He looked at the grass for about a minute. I invited him to my church and pointed the approximate direction it would be located at. He gently grabbed my jacket, took my hand, and looked at me. For about a minute, nothing but eye contact. I could see the tears in his eyes. He shook my hand and told me his name. I told him my name and told him about my jaw. I told him I had to go. We waved at each other. I turned around and headed to the car.

I am trying to survive life, but the homeless man is trying to survive the day. Appreciate what you have. You never know what may happen.

Although I was hesitant to step out of my comfort zone, I knew that the man needed my help. So, I just did it.

“I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost

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